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This delicious gift not only has a fantastic six inch, solid chocolate dick but it also includes...

- Horrifyingly embarrassing, very public packaging for 'Satisfying Sex Toys.Com'

- This cringe worthy packaging is impossible to miss, and will make the courier avoid eye contact (evil laugh)

- A large EAT A DICK sign on the inside lid, because you know, it's edible and all that...

- A small card that reads 'Yep, this is a gift. Congratulations you must be very important'


To make your solid schlong even more enticing, you can also add an:

- Exploding flying butterfly inside, ensuring the penis is violently thrown in the air for all to see (after trying to hide the box...)

- A pop up dick card, should you like to include a note about why you have sent this sweet gift


Particularly useful gift idea if your best-spud enjoys chomping on large delicious things.

Remember: All of our parcels are sent anonymously, so feel free to send this to anyone who may need reminding to 'eat a dick'. 

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